Gold Anchor Transport Service, LLC
Specialized in heavy commercial utility trucks, Construction Equipment, Gliders, other trailered freight & passenger vehicle shipping
Contact Us
Contact Us
Please contact us via email, phone or by submitting your request for quote here. In your message please include important information we will need to give you an accurate and timely response. Basic information should include: number of units to be moved, year make and model of each, VIN's if possible, curb weights if known, pick up address and desired date and time you would like your units picked up, well as destination address. We aim to make all deliveries same day whenever possible with no layovers. We use Google maps to plan our routes in order to provide full transparency to our customers with regard to mileage and pricing. Clients will know the mileage automatically and price is based on trailer space and weight capacity utilized. If shipping any kind of freight, please provide weight estimate, dimensions and any special instructions such as if you want your load tarped. WE DO NOT TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, PETS OR PASSENGERS.